Monday, August 18, 2014

Dear Elise

My husband and I have created an email address for our daughter. This way we can write her (as can the rest of our family) emails throughout her life and when she head off to college one day, we will give her the password so she can read them and look back on all the love and support she's been given the past 18 years. This is one I wrote recently: 

You're 19 months old now, and your dad and I can't believe it! You're SO talkative to everyone you meet now. Everyday we feel like we have decoded one of your "babbles" into English. Some of the words you use everyday are : mama, dada, apple, red, baby, nana, beebee, yucky, waffles, crackers (in your own funny way) and drink. You sign these words: please, thank you, more, eat, no, yes, help, and grapes. You LOVE to make animals sounds for: bears, dogs, cows, cats, frogs, lizards, and of course, elephants. 

Every morning when I go to get you out of bed, you smile at me while you stand and after I say good morning, you sit down and do each of the sounds for whatever animals slept with you in your bed that night. And then you just talk. You babble in a way like you're telling me about your dreams and where you went in them. I could listen to you all day! Once I pull you out of bed, you immediately want Dada, whether he's there or not. We change your diaper and I fix you breakfast while you greet Macy with your barking. After breakfast, it's "how many books can I get mom to read" time. You keep digging and finding them and bringing them to me to read over and over again. You're getting really good at recognizing characters and colors in stories. I catch you reading alone to yourself everyday. Watching how fast you learn is incredible. It has been such a privilege to watch you grow and develop these last 19 months and even the 9 months before that. 

You aren't scared of anything. You love when daddy and I flip you upside down or swing you around the living room. You will climb or crawl onto just about anything. You do not fear spiders like your mom or snakes like your dad. I love this about you. In fact, your favorite game to play with me is one where I hide and when you get close I jump out and scare you. You giggle and run and sign for more! I love it. 

Boy do you LOVE to be outside. Playing with Macy, riding in your car, or going for a jog. You beg to be outside more than Macy does. 

Another thing you love? Music. Took your dad and I awhile to figure out some of the "noises" you made was just you finding your voice and singing. You play the guitar with dad and piano with mom. You love it all. 

While we aren't wanting to rush time in any way, we are looking forward to watching you grow and change and become your own person. I say a lot that we miss your bitty baby days, and we so, but we so love this stage you are in. We wish you could stay this age forever. We love you so much, Ellie Bean! 


1 comment:

  1. That is such a beautiful idea! She will cherish those emails one day!
