Sunday, November 30, 2014

McBaby #2: The Past 12 Weeks!

That's right. We are expecting another McBaby!


I'm due June 8, 2015.

Here comes the Reader's Digest version of the last 3 months....

I got pregnant after 5 months of trying.
Husband left for a 4 month deployment to Africa right at my 8 week mark.
We told our families early so husband could be a part of it.
We just announced our news publicly this week on Thanksgiving Day.

When I finally got the positive test, I literally couldn't believe it. 

I screamed loud enough to scare Macy and Ellie. I found out about 45 min before my husband was expected to walk through our door home from work. I knew once he was home, I couldn't keep this to myself, so I scrambled for ideas. With Ellie, both of us had been so jaded by loss that neither of us could bring ourselves to really celebrate her existence for several weeks. It sounds sad and sometimes it makes me very sad, but it was part of our grieving and healing process. Anyway, I had no reason not to be thrilled this time. I found a white onesie in Elise's drawer and quickly found a sharpie. 

Not the most creative, but hey, I was strapped for time! When he walked in, Ellie wouldn't quite sit still. I asked her to show her daddy her new shirt. He was FLOORED! He kept saying "NO! No way, are you serious?!" We both just cried and laughed and hugged a big group hug. I felt like a missing puzzle piece had been found.

A lot of this pregnancy is similar to Elise's. I was pretty sick and I can't decide if I was more sick this time, or if it just seems worse because, while nauseated, I have to do things like change dirty diapers and entertain my kiddo through things like teething and daddy leaving. I pee every morning around 5am. Drives me crazy. I should've known I was pregnant when that kicked up again before I took a test though! 
5 weeks along! I couldn't believe I was seeing growth already! 

7-8 weeks along

10 weeks

11 weeks! Look at that! Bloat at its best, yall! 

Like last time, I am on progesterone supplements. These are becoming the bane of my existence. Not only are the side effects no fun, but they are a pain in the ASS to get from my doctor/pharmacy with our nonstop, always traveling lifestyle. But I'm on my last bit of the stuff for this pregnancy, and I can't wait to kiss it goodbye.

UNLIKE last time, I am exercising quite a bit. I haven't given up Crossfit, but my coaches have created some modifications for movements. Mostly, my biggest struggle with Crossfit has been forcing myself to go when I really want to lay in bed with a trash can next to me. Or not blacking out when I lift something because of all the extra blood currently flowing through my system. Besides Crossfit, I am picking Prenatal Yoga back up and I have been running once or twice a week when I get the opportunity. I took a two week break from Crossfit to nurse a back injury I got and had to see a chiropractor for. I'm feeling better now and I'm anxious to get back to that gym and my friends there.

I'm still avoiding many of the things I did last time. I do occasionally allow myself a regular soda with minimal caffeine. Though this pregnancy, sugary drinks haven't really agreed with me! Water's been my thing most of the time. No artificial sweeteners. The more I read about those, the more they just terrify me. Really I shouldn't be drinking them, pregnant or not, but definitely not now!

For this deployment, I opted to stay home with my daughter and its had its own pros and cons. I'm mostly just exhausted. All. The. Time.

Ellie isn't really aware of what's going on. She says there's a baby in my belly and kisses it sometimes, but she's just too young to understand all this!

Still many more updates to come, but we are just absolutely thrilled to announce this exciting news and welcome another member of our growing family!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome awesome!! I'm very happy for you and my new niece!!
