It never ceases to amaze me how fast time goes by when you have little ones in your life. It's been one month since our newest addition made her grand appearance, and we loved every moment so far!
Besides just having a baby and all that comes with it, we've also had to deal with a move. When Lena was less than 2 weeks old, we packed what we would need for the next 3-4 months and said goodbye to Abilene and Miss Ellie Lane (deserves its own blog later!). Thankfully, my amazing mom was able to come down and help us with this big transition. Once she left, I would be lying if I said I didn't experience some anxiety knowing I would have a two year old and a newborn all to myself in a new city with less than half of my things.
So far though, I've held my own fairly well. We've had bad days, good days, and what I like to call "Charlotte Cry in The Pantry" days. Mostly I'm just trying to adjust and so are the girls. I know how to be a good mom to a newborn, and I know how to be a good mom to a toddler, but figuring out how to be both simultaneously will take some time. I'm trying not to be too hard on myself.
I have to brag on my husband also. He's in a pretty challenging training course, working at least 12 hours a day. On top of that, he still manages to be a partner in my day I couldn't live without! Dinner time/bedtime is definitely a two person job when you have one child that can even hold her head up on her own. Plus, we've always preferred to do the bedtime routine as a family, it's a tradition we hope to maintain until the girls are just too cool to be read to at night. One of us helps Elise take her vitamins, medicine, and brush her teeth. The other takes care of Lena (usually me since I'm the parent with the milk machine!). Then we all go to Ellie's room and Ellie "reads" a story to her baby sister. After she kisses her sister and daddy goodnight, Ellie and I get our own time to rock and sing Ellie's favorite songs. It's one of the more calm parts of my day (usually!) and I really enjoy it.
I feel very blessed to have a husband who shares in these daily routines with us, not because I nag him or make him feel badly if he doesn't, but because he wants to and feels its important to be as involved as he can be in our daughters' lives. It's amazing to have a true partner in life and one of the main reasons I knew this man would be an amazing father one day.
Lena overall is such a happy, laid-back baby. If it wasn't for her gas and being hungry, we doubt she would cry at all! Unfortunately, she does get pretty bad gas lately and it keeps her up more at night. She does a lot of grunting and squirming. She also has what I suspect is acid reflux and we hope to fix this with a doctor appointment as soon as possible.
Lena loves to smile already, and she has definitely got my dimples! Elise has dimples but not nearly as prominent as mine or Lena's. One trait that I'm happy to pass down to my girls, we think it's just adorable. Right now, Lena actually has dark blue eyes. Who knows if they will stay that way though! Way back in 2011, I used to dream about a little girl with dark brown hair and blue eyes. My theory is that its either Lena or the little girl I lost before I got pregnant with Elise. Time will tell I suppose! I am definitely hearing that this baby favors me more than Josh. Complete opposite with Elise. It's really hard for me to see any of myself in such a young baby though, she just looks like Lena to me!
One month into life with two kiddos and we couldn't be happier. Even in the midst of a two year old temper tantrum or an ill-advised trip to downtown San Antonio, we wouldn't change a single aspect of this life we've built together. We are realizing quickly that this time we will have with our daughters is short-lived, and we intend to purposefully enjoy every bit that we can. Not every moment of every day will be amazing, but they are all part of a time in our life we won't get back. We just don't want to take any of it for granted.
Here's some pics of our little Lena's first month earthside and of our adjustment from a family of 3 to a family of 4:
Lena just after she arrived. We stared into each other's eyes a lot those first few hours!
First trip to a restaurant in Fredericksburg!
Tummy time with daddy!
Falling asleep at the breast, she does this a lot!
Already enjoying being back into the breastfeeding game! She's such a strong nurser!
Lena is so beautiful! I can't believe her eyes were open for so many pictures-and the professional photos of the girls are gorgeous!