So I feel like ever since Josh and I got done with pilot training, we have been going 90 mph and doing all kinds of things and making lots of little trips. Though it was all fun and totally worth it to see family and friends, we couldn't help but feel like it was our turn to do something just for us. So we arranged a mini vacation to go snow skiing in New Mexico.
We ended up going to Ruidoso, NM. Its just under a 7 hour drive from Abilene and the lift tickets and rentals prices were pretty reasonable. We got there around 8pm their time, checked in, and then went out to eat at a really cozy italian restaurant. The next morning, we woke up extra early to eat and get to the mountain in time to get our rentals, tickets, and get on the lifts as soon as they opened. It was a beautiful day to ski! Even though it had been 3.5 years since I put on skis, it was like no time at all had passed once I got on that slope!
We skied all day long and had lunch on the mountain. Afterwards, we headed back to town to shower and go out for a date night! We found this really good mexican restaurant just down the mountain called Casa Blanca that was really good! Then we headed back to the hotel for some time in the hot tub :) after that, we just read in bed until we both passed out! We were exhausted!
We ended up skiing just a half a day the next day, so we could sleep in. The weather the next day was not so good! Crazy winds and ice everywhere. We skied as many runs as we physically could before calling it a day and heading to Landlocked (seafood) for dinner. It was AMAZING! Oh, and we stopped on the way down the mountain for photos of course!
The next day, we packed early to head home and be able to make a pit stop in Roswell, NM. I have always wanted to go there! When I was 14, my best friend and I were obsessed with the WB show Roswell and we vowed to visit someday to see what it was really like. Well, ten years later, I FINALLY made it there! I wasn't really disappointed, either. Lots of alien stuff, got a couple t-shirts, and pictures!!
Once we got home, we had a day to recuperate and then it was date night in Abilene! We had purchased tickets for the Broadway musical, Beauty and the Beast. We got all dressed up, went to dinner, then headed to the show! It was beautiful! The characters looked and sounded just like the movie, which is kinda rare. Gaston was by far, my favorite. SO funny! I'm a big sucker for musical theater anyway, so this show definitely made my week!
We had a wonderful evening just us! I think we had forgotten how good it feels to do things for ourselves just to foster our relationship. When we were in premarital counseling, our pastor encouraged us to do random things like this just for ourselves. He called it "investing in your marriage". Sure it costs time and money to do these things, but the return is much greater than the cost. In my opinion? Totally worth it everytime.
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