Thursday, July 26, 2012

Week 15

Technically went to 16 weeks yesterday...oops! Blogging every week has been a chore to remember, but I think when its all said and done, years from now I'll be so glad I included every detail. It will be something I can look back on and remember fondly and hopefully read to our little one someday!

Anyway, week 15 had a couple of events. First of all, I had a doctors appt Monday. It was short and sweet. We listened to baby's heartbeat on the doppler and that was the first time I've actually HEARD the heartbeat. It was beating at a whopping 160bpm! Much quicker than last time (137). So for those of you who say boys beat slower and girls faster.....what now?! By the way, we also set a date for the next appt in four weeks. It will be my 20 week appt and the day we find out what we're having. If we are going to have  a son or a daughter. This blows my mind. We already have names picked out, so once we get a gender, we will be able to call him/her by their name. Seems so surreal that this is all finally happening. I keep trying to ignore the fear that it could still all be taken away at any moment.

I tend to get a little nervous before my doctors appts. I get agitated and irritable. Which I guess is my body's way of saying "I'm scared". It's always difficult to sleep the night before wondering how its going to go and if my baby is still okay in there. This past Sunday night was no exception. I was up late, laying in bed, thinking about our little one and hoping with every fiber in my being that he/she was still well. At about that time.....I felt it. It felt like a weird twitching in my lower belly, not really normal, and kinda faint. Then I felt a stronger twitch. This one was more like someone gently flicking me from the inside in different places. I was feeling my baby move for the first time. Cue tears. After my appt and learning everything was fine, my husband said "It was like the baby was trying to tell you, 'I'm still here mom, I'm ok!'". Cue more tears.....

While we are on this subject, I definitely feel the need to take a moment and brag on my husband a bit. I'm not sure that he always reads these, but he should know how incredibly amazing I think he is.

He is in the middle of a grueling training session where his free time is very limited and he comes home tired and still has to study. He pretends like its not that big of a deal, but I know better. Yet, in the midst of all this, I still come home to a clean bedroom or kitchen, get a ginger ale in bed at 5am, or the same meal twice in two days because its the only thing that sounds good to me.

Its difficult to feel sexy or even pretty sometimes when you're body is making you feel like crap. My husband has just been so supportive and makes me feel beautiful, maybe even more so than before. I'm not sure if he's got prego goggles on, or if hes just trying to keep up my confidence, but either way, I love him for it. I feel very grateful to have a partner who is as involved as my husband is. I've never ever seen him so excited and happy like he has been now. We have always been happily married and truly enjoyed our time together just us, but this baby has brought out a new happiness in us both.

I didn't include a picture this week, my belly hasn't been growing any more and I didn't feel the need to post two or three pics in a row that all look the same! Hopefully next week, I'll see some changes!


  1. You're lucky that you felt movement so early. I feel like it took forever for me to feel one.I was like that before most of my appointments in the beginning as well...hope it gets better!

  2. Post pics every week, girl, you will be happy you did later - even if you don't feel like your belly is changing. It is!!
