Sunday, May 18, 2014

Happy Anniversary

Hard to believe my husband and I have been married for six years now. Every year I find myself so content with how far we've come as a couple and as parents now. 

We've survived two deployments, two miscarriages, 7 moves (two of them temporary and pretty challenging), numerous little hiccups and speed bumps, and adjusting to a baby. 

Things aren't 100% perfect with us all the time. We know enough to know that both of us will continue to make mistakes. But overall? We are pretty damn happy with the life we've built together. We still daydream about our future together on log road trips and we are excited to continue on down that path together. We have LOTS of uncertainty in our near future (possibly VERY near), but we know that no matter what, it's us together. As long as we are together, everything else seems do-able. Not always easy, but do-able. Here's to six years of marriage and eight years of being with my best friend. It's by far my favorite relationship I've ever had in my life. 

I'm so glad he asked me to be his 7 years ago! Can't imagine a better life than the one I have with him. Happy Anniversary sweetheart!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I'm Heather and I was hoping you could answer my question I have about your blog! Please email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
