Tuesday, February 17, 2015

23 weeks

This week was spent just being with my family and it couldn't have been better! 

This week was also a little rough for me. As of now, I've been instructed by my doctor to stop crossfit. I've had some spotting and even a little bit of bleeding as a result of a "friable cervix". Which is a fancy word for a sensitive or irritated cervix. Lena is fine. Her heartbeat at the doctor was 158 and she was moving around so much the doctor had a hard time getting a beats per minute count! But Lena is carrying so low that any extra friction to my cervix is causing it to become irritated and bleed. I'm actually meeting with a new doctor soon to determine if there are exercises I can continue to do that won't cause my cervix too much irritation. I can't stand the thought of not doing anything but walking for the next 16ish weeks! I don't want to lose my stamina or strength I've earned. That and crossfit is my sanity and I'm more than a bit concerned for my mental health once my husband leaves for training again and I have no physical outlet to escape from daily stressors. So hopefully we can find a safe and healthy middle ground. 

This week my husband and I got to do something we haven't done in two years, celebrate Valentine's Day together! 

My sweet in laws offered to come visit us and give us the night out. We can't turn down offers like that! We got to go out to our favorite locally owned restaurant downtown and enjoy a fancy five course meal. We had plans to see Casablanca at our towns vintage movie theater, but we became so engrossed in our conversation that we completely forgot and missed it! Instead we held hands, walked around downtown, and sat at a coffee shop. It was the first time since my husbands been home that we've been able to really talk just us. My husband is by far my favorite person to talk to. The converations are never dull and he always knows how to make me laugh. That's been my favorite part of having him home. Laughing again. A couple family members pointed out to me this deployment that I don't laugh very muh, if at all when he's gone. And I really don't. I get kind of focused on just surviving and getting by that not much seems funny enough to laugh. It's sad but just how deployments go for me. 

Thankfully my husband and our belly laughs are back for awhile. And boy do I mean belly laughs! I seriously look like Santa Claus when I laugh with this giant belly! 

Looking forward to making up for the rest of the missed holidays this year. We have lots to catch up on. 

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