Sunday, May 3, 2015

34 weeks

Another week down, only 6 more to go! Considering how things went with Elise, my husband and I are thrilled to have made it this far without a trip to the hospital for contractions! We did go that one time for bleeding (still no one has any clue what that was!), but so far Lena and I are perfectly healthy and doing well! 

This week was our first full week with dad being gone to San Antonio. It was a long one! This weekend was definitely worth the wait though! Elise and I got to go to a special event together at our local library, where she got to meet her favorite Fisney characters so far, Anna and Elsa! 

Josh took our daughter to the Dyess AFB Air Show for her first time to see the airplanes. It was their first time to do something special just the two of them and I don't think Elise could've had a better day! Or my husband for that matter! 

I'm so glad we each were able to do something special with Elise individually before her baby sister arrives. She's about to have her world rocked in a crazy way, and it may be awhile before she gets us to herself like that again! 

Other than that, the weekend was spent snuggling on the couch, watching PeterPan, baking cookies together after Elise went to bed, and laying lazily in bed feeling little Lena do her morning yoga routine! It was short but oh so sweet. 
My husband will have to postpone his next visit by a week, which means I'll be solo for Mothers Day. But hey, what's another holiday without him, right? Just a drop in the bucket at this point. Plus he will be home the following weekend and his parents will be in town and we will get the opportunity to hopefully go out on a date for our 7th anniversary. 

As far as the pregnancy goes. Not much has changed since last week! I haven't been back to my doctors yet, but this week I'll see both regular and high risk OBs, and get my final ultrasound! I'm anxious to see how much Lena has grown! And we hope to get a good look at her position. I'm pretty sure she's head down (way down), because when she hiccups it feels like a pulsing in my lady parts! 

Other than that, we are packed and ready to go! Just want to keep her in there about 4ish more weeks at least! 

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