Sunday, February 28, 2016

Fit Mom

Creating, birthing, and breastfeeding human beings has really put my body through the ringer the last 5 years! 
I've always really enjoyed going back through the years and seeing all the changes. It's been quite a roller coaster for me but I wouldn't change a thing! 

Left is 2010 before I started exercising or eating healthier. Middle is 2012 right before I got pregnant with Elise. Right is about 3 months postpartum with Elise 

Left is 36 weeks pregnant with Lena and right is 2 days postpartum. I'm not sure what the difference was with Lena but my body healed so much faster. I'd be willing to bet it was the exercise I kept up throughout my pregnancy. Not having to be on bed rest helped also!

This was taken two weeks ago. I know a lot of women are thinking I'm crazy to think I have any work to be done. But those women aren't me. I do not think I'm fat or even overweight. In fact, I've lost my baby weight plus the extra muscle weight I had gained prior to getting pregnant with Lena so I'm under my pre-pregnancy weight. I just like watching myself improve and see how my hard work in the gym and on the pavement effects how my body looks. 

My struggles aren't quite the same as most women who have just had a baby. I don't have weight to lose, but healthy muscle to gain. I'm also incredibly out of shape. My hiatus from crossfit and running has lasted much longer than I anticipated because, well, life happens! 

I don't put any undo pressure on myself to reach unrealistic goals after I've had a baby. It took about 9 months to grow a human and I think it takes longer for my body to recover from it. I struggle a lot with hormonal imbalances, dietary changes, and restrictions for breastfeeding on top of the normal mom stuff. I could easily stress about getting my pre baby body back, but I don't see the point. I do what I can when I can to take care of myself and I am always trying to do a better job at that. 

I have several goals for the next couple of years. As much as I have loved dedicating so much of myself to my girls to take care of them, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited for moving on to the next chapter. My 2016 resolution was simple, make myself a higher priority. It's so easy for me to put my needs and even my health on the back burner as a mom. But really, I'm not doing myself or even my girls (or my husband) any favors by putting myself last on my to do list. 

I'm slowly getting back to a solid routine of crossfit and definitely have gotten back into jogging with the girls or on our treadmill regularly. Sometimes I get frustrated feeling like I'm back at square one, especially at crossfit. But like I said, there's not much point in getting upset about it. I genuinely enjoy the sport regardless of the weight on the bars, so as long as I get to go and I'm challenging myself? I don't care much for the numbers on the whiteboard. 

So here's to the next chapter....may it be full of miles run and bars lifted! (Maybe even that kipping pull-up I'm so close to?!) 

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