Thursday, July 14, 2011

Working Girl ;)

So I was FINALLY able to start my new job this week!

It's been a very long month of inprocessing, red tape, training, and observing. I was very grateful to have today off to stop my head from spinning before hitting the ground running again!

As crazy as my new job is, I can already tell I'm going to love it. The staff there is just wonderful. A lot of them have been working there for over a decade. The kids there range from ages 6 wks- 4 yrs old. Through my observation, I got to spend time in each age group and several different classes. I loved them all! I think the 6 mos-12 mos class might be closing in on my #1 spot though!

Since this job is through the Air Force, the amount of rules, procedures, and policies are MUCH greater than childcare in the civilian world. I can tell the learning curve on my end will be high. But I think that's what I'm excited about. This job will be a challenge. Its not your typical daycare center. I will be a part time fill in for a few months, then I'm told I will be bumped up to lead a classroom. Which is great! Since this is what my degree is in, I can't wait to get back into lesson planning, learning more about classroom management and new, progressive discipline techniques. Through my modules and training so far, I feel like I've already caught up on a lot and I'm really enjoying it.

It feels really great to finally feel like I have a job that I love, that's relevant to my degree and will be a big plus to add to my resume for future jobs in education.

1 comment:

  1. I tell you what, you have certainly put the work in and deserve a job you love! Hopefully this will make time fly by!
