So every month, my husband's flying squadron has a social for the spouses. It's just a time that we can get together and talk about upcoming events, recruit volunteers, and find out if anyone needs anything. Oh and socialize, of course. :)
In July, my friend hosted at her house. About 12 spouses showed and a few kiddos. They eventually passed around a sign up for others to host future socials. I figured if I was ever going to throw myself out there and meet more people, this was the way to do it. I signed up and figured I could do all my baking that I love and people could get to see our house that I just love and we've worked so hard to make a home :)
So time passed and we arrived at this past weekend...Sunday to be exact. I had just come back from California and was still in the midst of working everyday. This week my shift's been the early one starting at 0630( or oh-dark-thirty, as my husband would say). I thought I had planned out my baking a cleaning very well to accomodate my work schedule. Then I received a phone call to inform me that the Colonel (my husband's boss's boss's boss) had decided to come and speak to the wives and answer our questions.
*cue minor panic attack*
of course everything turned out fine :) and I even got some stuff done around the house that I've been meaning to do for awhile. Though, not alone! I had another awesome friend help out!
The social was a success and very informative. The Col. was very friendly, he even complimented my cake balls :) (I think he snuck a few home too!) I had a good time and even though I am exhausted from all that and work, it feels good to be this tired.
I'm proud of you! I'd flip my lid if the residency director decided to show up at my house EVER! Must have been good cake balls :)