Friday, February 10, 2012

Before and After

So it was almost exactly two years ago that I started cutting portions, eating healthier and exercising on a regular basis.

When I started, we were living in Corpus Christi, TX and there's is definitely a healthy amount of beach action going on there. As spring approached, I decided to motivate myself by purchasing a swimsuit that was totally out of my comfort zone. I took these pictures when it arrived....

Don't get me wrong.....I don't think I was fat. But I knew that I wasn't in the best shape I could be...or anywhere close. I really wanted to push myself and see where it would take me.

Two years later, I found the long lost top to this swim suit. (moving three times in between will cause a top or two to go missing). When I did, I was curious to see what it would look like now. So I tested it out...

I was very pleasantly surprised at my results! I had no idea how far I had really come. Seeing a number on a scale is one thing....and that feels good. Actually SEEING 25 lbs physically gone? It's awesome.

Moral of the story? Take those before and after shots....they are a big confidence boost and a reminder that hard work and persistence really does pay off. These pictures will continue to motivate me for my next goal!